Tuna with Mustard BBQ Soy Sauce — Cortazzo Foods


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Easy to follow recipes from Chef J. Scott Martino & Cortazzo Foods. 


Tuna with Mustard BBQ Soy Sauce

Missy Stoltzfus

Serves 4


3 TB Carolina Peakes Mustard BBQ Sauce
2 TB Soy Sauce
¼ Cup Table Ground Black Pepper
2 TB Kosher Salt
1 ½ lbs. Sushi Grade Tuna, cut into 4 equal (6 oz.) steaks 


  1. Preheat grill on high. 

  2. Combine Carolina Peakes Mustard BBQ and soy sauce in a bowl, whisk together, and set aside.

  3. Combine salt & pepper in a medium bowl. Press each tuna steak into the mixture, coat evenly. Refrigerate until ready to grill.

  4. Grill tuna steaks 2-3 minutes on each side for medium rare, being careful not to overcook. 

  5. Serve with mustard-soy sauce, enjoy!